Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


Jodar explained that "the Department of the Mayor released in unassemanas a new office in the Civic Center neighborhood Sancristóbal where you can increase your activity, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life of our elders" (20/05/2015)

Lorca's mayor and candidate for reelection explained sucompromiso continue working "for the Department of Mayorcontinúe promoting active aging voluntary, workshops, training, and intergenerational storytelling, sports, ... and not be limited to an annual holiday ".

Lorca's mayor and candidate for reelection, Paco Jodar, announced this morning in a ceremony with older, who haasistido the General Director of Seniors, Enrique Perez, sucompromiso to further strengthen the Department of the Mayor Lorca as an instrument delAyuntamiento "devida improve the quality of the largest in the city, which has become a ejemploa followed by many other municipalities, as well as certified lospremios received".

Jodar explained that "for others, as they showed up eight years ago, the activities with the highest were only an annual holiday, peronosotros have revolutionized the concept of this paraconvertirla municipal area into a real facilitator of higher quality yun life active aging improve the welfare of our elders. "

In this sense the popular alcaldable said "hand dela Autonomous Region in Lorca has been achieved listasde eliminate waiting between our major tele services, respite care, home help and day centers, thanks to laconstrucción of Tercia one with which plazasdisponibles doubled in the municipality, which guarantees the quenecesitan attention. "

The candidate to defend the mayor by the PP I hasubrayado that "if Sunday we most needed to seguirgobernando the city will create a new day center for mayoresentre neighborhoods of San Cristobal, Los Angeles and Apollonia, fully leverage new facilities We construidopara this council in the new Civic Center Barrio de Sancristóbal, enhancing the training, yvoluntariado sport as well as workshops and all activities quedemanden our elders both in the town and villages, as is the spread of new technologies. "

Furthermore, Paco Jodar has recalled that "the biggest Lorca have tenidomás free courses than ever and have free urban transport, a service that will improve with the renewal of the fleet and the connection deautobuses more districts."

Similarly, he stressed that "we have created new decentralized degerontogimnasia area in La Vina, Alfonso X, Virgin lasHuertas ... while we subsidized the depensionistas clubs to develop their activities, encouraging self eldesarrollo and their integration in society Lorca ".

These measures will be joined promotion activities autonomíapersonal and physical and mental health of our biggest enprevención dependency.

Similarly, Paco Jodar derecreo intends to continue creating spaces with devices for our seniors endistintos gerontogimnasia neighborhoods and districts, as has been done in recent years inthe Virgen de las Huertas, Alfonso X, The Vineyard and San Jose, ...

Source: PP Lorca

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