The project, part of the Plan Emprendemos of Murcia, 17 companies created by the students were able to offer their products to the public, sell them and recover the result of its investments, efforts and decisions during the gestation period of the initiative
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, and Begoña Iniesta, Director General of Education Quality, innovation and attention to diversity, this morning visited the 6th school Mini Market which was held for the first time in Lorca.
The market, installed at the main entrance of the Garden of the Wheel and coinciding with the celebration of the weekly market on Thursday is an educational initiative promoted by the Conserjerías of Education and Universities and Industry and Tourism, through the INFO.
Francisco Jodar said that "SHAFT (Young European Enterprise) and EME (Entrepreneurship in my school) Murcia, are educational projects carried out for the development of entrepreneurship in young students in primary and secondary education, through the experience of setting up and running mini-enterprises in the classroom, all within the framework of Plan Emprendemos Murcia ".
The mayor explained that "in the Mini-Market, which aims to promote and encourage entrepreneurship in society, involving a total of 452 students from 18 schools across the region (Lorca, Eagles, Sewer, Alhama de Murcia, Puerto Lumbreras and Totana). In it, 17 companies created by the students were able to offer their products to the public, sell them and recover the result of its investments, efforts and decisions during the gestation period of the project. In addition, participating students will import the products manufactured by them to other parts of Spain. "
Jodar said "during the current school year, about 1,200 high school students from 40 schools and a further 1,700 5th and 6th of primary of 46 centers have participated in this experience of education in entrepreneurial values, a process they have experienced values ​​teamwork, decision making, responsibility and leadership, through a system based on "learning by doing" method ".
The Mayor of Lorca, finally, said that "in this way, over the course have developed all aspects needed to create and launch a business initiative, since its incorporation, corporate, financing and finally marketing 5 School Mini-Market with the participation of 127 mini-enterprises created as cooperatives, in Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca and Cieza. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca