Users of the website of the City of Lorca, can obtain information about participation rates at 14:00 and 18:00 pm and the final participation, once the polls closed.
In addition, a TV room will be installed in councils with real-time results from 20: 00h
Councilman Internal Affairs of the City of Lorca, Luis Amador, informed of all polling stations and voters for municipal and regional elections on Sunday May 24 and the device that has been prepared by the Department of Information Society Consistory Lorca to relay the results thereof.
Luis Amador explained that the total number of citizens entitled to vote in local and regional elections of 2015 stands at 59106, the number of 97 polling stations in 43 polling stations.
Note that this is a greater number of voters and tables compared to the EP elections in 2014, which translates into a decrease of electors per table.
Councilman Internal Affairs has stressed that with regard to the European elections of 2014, there have been four significant changes in relation to polling stations.
On the occasion of the works at the fairgrounds in Santa Quiteria the polling station moves to the Youth Space located in the Garden of the Wheel.
The citizens of the districts of Coy and Aviles have changed their place of voting, the polling being taken to school clubhouse for comfort of the residents of both villages.
Almendricos, above citizens exercising their right to vote in the social old in these local and regional elections in 2015 the polling station moves to the new clubhouse.
It is recalled that the citizens can consult online census in introducing the ID number, obtain data relating to the polling station and the voting table.
Amador stressed that as the device to the Department of Information Society will launch, users of the website of the City of Lorca, can obtain information about participation rates at 14:00 and 18:00 evening and final participation, once the schools electorales.Los participation rates are sent to those hours by administration officials at polling stations and these are posted on the municipal website instantly closed.
Moreover, scrutiny of the polling stations will be available in real time from the municipal website (
These data are accompanied with statistics on final results, as the information reaches the tables Ayuntamiento.Además TV will be installed in living councils with real-time results from 20: 00h.
From City of Lorca all Lorca and Lorca are encouraged to exercise their democratic right to vote.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca