The Municipal Socialist Group in the city of Lorca, through the councilors Maria Soledad Sanchez Jodar and Nines Mazuecos, discussed the motion to rise next full City and which require the City of Lorca direct aid for the purchase of books and school supplies, especially aimed at those families who have greater difficulties to face the start of the school year.
The deputy spokesman of the Socialist Municipal Group, Marisol Sanchez Jodar has indicated that "the initiatives currently putting the Popular Party in practice in the city of Lorca are insufficient if it is intended to ensure equal access to a quality public education for all A primary objective for the PSOE, demonstrated during our years of government in Lorca and, indeed, evident in those municipalities as the Eagles, where in just a month in office have already implemented measures that move towards free of textbooks ".
The socialist mayor recalled that "the will of the Popular Party in ensuring access to public education was already clear when the bond-book in 2011, a measure that was used for the relief of Lorca families, especially those were loaded with more economic difficulties, so that will face the arrival of September and the beginning of the school year with guarantees not having to deal with the increasingly high cost of textbooks. "
Jodar Sanchez insists that "it is a question of will. The map of Spain is dotted with numerous examples where municipalities intended actions and initiatives to overcome these inequalities. In this regard, we remind the government team of the Popular Party in the city of Lorca to leave a child without books or force him to take them in the form of photocopies is not investing in education is investing in stigmatizing those children. "
Direct aid with which progress towards free provision of textbooks flag PSOE
The socialist mayor, Nines Mazuecos detailed agreements that the Municipal Group presented at the next plenary session, "which deals with the move towards a clear objective: to ensure access for boys and girls lorquinas public education on an equal footing and walking to the free provision of textbooks, as in Andalusia ".
Mazuecos required in the next plenary session so that "as a matter of urgency so that these measures ahead of the start of the next school year are approved, the City of Lorca convene granting direct financial aid for the purchase of textbooks and educational materials for parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school year 2015/2016, studying in levels of infant, primary, compulsory secondary education and high school, and whose monthly income is not more than minimum wage, or what it is the same, that the household income does not exceed los648,60 euros a month. "
At the same time, the head of education at the Municipal Socialist Group, stressed the need "to this call for grant aid is designed and participated in its development with schools and associations of parents of the municipality of Lorca ".
Source: PSOE Lorca