Lorca IU-V asked that the Council take up the matter of the crisis caused by the wars unleashed in the eastern Mediterranean, and to contribute in all possible ways to the acceptance of refugees and displaced persons in these conflicts.
This was expressed this morning by the Councillor for IU-V, Dori Peñas, who will defend at the next Full Council of Lorca a political initiative which includes a battery of proposals.
Dori Peñas explained that the first step to take would be the integration of Lorca in the Spanish Network of Cities Refuge every day becomes wider with the addition of more municipalities.
For Councilman IU-V, a town like ours, which in recent years has suffered many misfortunes and therefore has undergone great show solidarity on the part of Spanish society, can not stop providing support for a solidarity as now propose initiative.
In addition to that first decision, motion IU-V Lorca proposes the creation of a working group that would draw on the municipal social services, Red Cross, Welcomes Murcia and other local organizations that work with refugees to define measures to adopt the City Council and to accommodate refugees in the town.
This working group would have as its main objectives the creation of a list of possible places of welcome, preferably municipal property, receiving solidarity contributions, comprehensive care and assistance to refugees, etc.
According to calculations made by Lorca IU-V, and according to the numbers that correspond to Spain as a whole, to Lorca, strictly applying population criteria, we could correspond about 40 refugees.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca