Thus, the Department of Earthquake Recovery aims to further facilitate the formalities to people that had to demolish their buildings by earthquakes, most of which are already in the final stages of rebuilding their homes.
to Town Planning and Recovery earthquakes of Lorca, Saturnino Martinez, he reported that the Single Desk for Reconstruction of Lorca, located far near the train station Sutullena, has moved to the complex of the former convent of La Merced to be integrated into new services including the service area and Planning.
Martinez explained that "in this way is to facilitate further the procedures and access to information and management systems in one building to those affected they had to demolish their buildings by earthquakes, most of which are already in the past steps in rebuilding their homes. "
The mayor stated that "will continue to provide the same service of advice, guidance and management to the victims".
The former site of the Department of Earthquake now welcomes the Department of Education.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca