The Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS) under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment agency, has started to deliver this morning in Lorca, along with six other organizations, a workshop simulation of preventive measures against floods.
This workshop is part of the Educen ( European program and participating associations, the city of Lorca and Civil Protection technicians.
The meeting was inaugurated by Councilman City Council Emergency Lorca, José Miguel Bayonas.
The workshop, which opened today and will be held until Friday, 25 people have attended.
Participants are technicians CHS, experts from Sweden, Turkey, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy and Poland, and representatives of emergency services, neighborhood associations and irrigators and farmers.
Significantly, it is the first time in Spain that a meeting of this nature is carried out.
After a severe flood that devastated the region of Lorca in 2012, the basin organization has undertaken major investments to contain the effects of floods.
In addition, the CHS has chosen Lorca for holding this workshop precisely because it is a town particularly exposed to this type of weather.
The objective of this initiative is to analyze the difficulties faced by citizens and governments to act in such situations, see how it works and how it can be improved, for example by improving pre-information on floodplains.
Today in Lorca includes a visit to Marsh Bridges and Rambla de Nogalte.
This is a pilot project that will be repeated within two years lasting project where the performance against earthquakes and droughts are also studied.
Source: CHS