The Socialist Group Lorca wants to express, through this statement, his sincere condolences for the death of D ° Jose Lopez Fuentes, at 81 years of age;
one of the illustrious figures Lorca socialists both served the town of Lorca.
D °.
Jose Lopez Fuentes was the first mayor of democracy in Lorca, between 1979 and 1983 and Minister of Local Administration and Interior during the regional command of Andres Hernandez Ros (from 1983-1987) and Social Welfare with Carlos Collado ( between 1987 and 1991).
Militant Socialist Group Lorca since December 1970, was one of the founding members of the PSOE in Lorca Lorca socialists recognized along with figures like Christopher Perez and Luis Garcia Casalduero.
In the words of Secretary General of the PSOE in Lorca, Diego José Mateos, "José López Fuentes will undoubtedly be remembered for his hard work and service to Lorca Lorca and, above all, for its great capacity for dialogue and consensus, a landmark that should serve as an example in this era where the red lines should park and apply the height of political order that always showed Lopez Fuentes. "
Mateos stressed that "the figure of Lopez Fuentesencarna as any other character in Lorca key episodes in the history of the twentieth century, certainly lareconciliación architect of the 'two Spains' in Transiciónpara establish and consolidate democracy".
"In short, an example of honest politician, strong democratic convictions and worked towards Lorca and Lorca from a humility that, at all times and characterized him until the end," concludes Mateos.
Source: PSOE Lorca