Councilwoman shown Eulalia Ibarra missed because he was a socialist councilor in the municipal government does not know that "the Consistory is taking unemployment to Lorca since 1989 to improve the green areas of the municipality and that the City is planting more trees than are He is replaced by works. "
The Councilman Parks and Gardens of the City of Lorca, Eulalia Ibarra has reported that the Consistory Lorca in 2015 reinforced the service of parks and gardens with 50 hired unemployed farmhands from the municipality and in 2016 is expected to do the same, thanks to an agreement exists with the State Employment Service.
Ibarra has proved strangely because "he was a socialist councilor in the municipal government does not know that since 1989 the Consistory is taking unemployment to Lorca to improve the green areas of the municipality through the selection process conducted by the Regional Employment Service and training according to the personal and professional situation of the unemployed and the criteria applied for the entire region. "
Eulalia Ibarra recalled that "many similar programs thanks to this we are already launching and stockings National and regional government in Lorca have increasingly better employment data and good overcome permanently lower unemployment figures nationwide and autonomous. What we will not do is dismiss Lorca staff already working professionally in the contract that deals with the Comprehensive Plan for Maintenance of parks and gardens to enter other. "
The mayor has asked the Socialists to "stop inventing figures on the removal of trees, as the City Council and the Autonomous Community is not just replacing the trees that need to be replaced by works of improvement of neighborhoods and districts but is increasing number planted in both urban and rural areas "exemplary.
In this regard pointed out that, for example, streets Lope Gisbert as the hub before the reform carried out by the municipal government of the PP had no trees, also have created new green areas in the districts and park of La Rambla ladies or the Virgin Alameda de las Huertas, but also new projects soon as a new park will be presented at St. Joseph Calasanz Lorca and in 2020 contemplated reforest entire hillside castle and create three new green areas in the town historical.
Finally, the council recalled that the development of a Quality Plan Landscape, LA21 and meetings with neighboring areas of reform are clear proof of the interest of the government of Francisco Jodar for the environment and participation citizens to improve the quality of life of Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca