Francisco Jodar and Alejandro Zamora and certify the knowledge acquired by these unemployed in the fields of Surface cleaning and furniture in buildings and premises, ancillary activities in nurseries, gardens and garden centers, auxiliary operations administrative and general services, plumbing and Operations Domestic heating-air conditioning.
Operation Recording and processing of data and documents as well as organic farming.
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, and the Director of the Regional Employment Service and Training, Alejandro Zamora, have delivered this morning the diplomas certifying the training acquired by 101 unemployed in the municipality in 7 training activities offered by the city of Lorca by the government grant.
Francisco Jodar explained concretely "these Lorca and Lorca have successfully completed their participation in courses that enable them to perform specialized cleaning work surfaces and furniture in buildings and premises, ancillary activities in nurseries, gardens and garden centers, Auxiliary operations administrative and general services, plumbing and heating operations-conditioning domestic, Operation Recording and processing of data and documents and Organic Farming ".
The mayor stressed that "the training activities of this type are more than helpful to the challenge of getting a job tools. I still say that the top priority for the government in modern times has to be the reduction of unemployment. And Therefore, the government must work with few tools at our disposal. In Lorca currently have the best unemployment data since June 2009, having been reduced by 715 persons during the year 2015 ".
"So, be certified to ensure the professional qualification is essential, as well as have experience, which also works through these actions. Many times the worker is in a very dangerous cycle in which companies do not They hire him to not have experience, but if you can not hire them gain that experience. This circumstance is repaired through initiatives how are you "stressed the mayor.
"But the importance of employment and authentic dramas involved a long stop, we can not be satisfied with these figures, but we have to keep doing a program aimed at job creation and training of those who do not have effort" He stated the mayor.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca