Jose Garcia Murcia, council spokesman of the municipal group of IU-Greens in the city of Lorca, said today at a press conference that the information provided at the last meeting of the Bureau of Local Employment highlights the limited progress in Lorca training and employment lines provided by the European Youth Guarantee Program, which was finalized in Spain through the so-called Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment approved by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security in February 2013.
Councilman Garcia Murcia has said that the report submitted by the Department of Employment does not collect any reference to Youth Guarantee Program, which means that the service has not implemented steps in that direction, and only, according to verbal information given by the Director General of SEF in the region of Murcia, is the entity that has initiated the procedures defined.
About the group of IU-Green has requested documentation.
Therefore, both claims Garcia Murcia Regional Government and the City Council of Lorca taking account rigorously Strategy Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment Youth Guarantee, and drawing on the experience of pilot actions such as Cartagena or implemented Gijon necessary measures to enable the realization of the different lines of action that revolve around four main themes, namely: Improving intermediation;
Improving Employability;
Incentives for Hiring;
and Development of Entrepreneurship.
With regard to the report of the Department of Employment, globally IU-Green notes that the total money allocated in 2015 to training and employment in Lorca is significantly lower than in 2014 aimed specifically at 406,499.15 euros;
and the total amount planned for 2016 programs and courses will be 732,726.64 euros less.
Which clearly reflects the important over the last three years decline.
On the meeting of the Bureau of Local Employment, on Wednesday, IU-Greens concludes that even highlighting the important work being done by technicians and workers of the Department of Employment and its governing bodies, but must incorporate innovations programming, advance coordination mechanisms with other departments, such as social services, to promote employability, and of course extend substantially the funding of programs and actions, turning in the case of the Youth Guarantee to the measures taken by the European Commission (remember that for this purpose during 2015 Spain ordered 283 me).
EIB works
With respect to investments that have been made in Lorca since 2013, arising from loan from the European Investment Bank, IU Greens reiterated its complaint about the failure of the Council's commitment to facilitate economic balance of these actions with clear expression of expenditure made of the casualties have occurred and the amount available, which otherwise would clarify the controversy in the Regional Assembly regarding the amendments and modifications of the EIB games.
Murcia Garcia said the clearly partisan use has so far done and is doing the Popular Party of such funds, reflects and clear demonstration of his understanding of politics, so the recent development of the questioning by the opposition groups Budget Project presented by the PP in the Regional Assembly, is in his view cause for congratulation.
It would be desirable in this sense, according to García Murcia - Regional Assembly request that accountability over spending Regional Government Lorca EIB, and reiterates its proposal on need for an audit.
New Municipal Offices in Lorca.
Councilman Garcia Murcia IU-Green has again shown its concern about the change of delegations that the Mayor has done in his administration.
His view is that the loss of authority of Councillor Gil Jodar entail setbacks in the communication policy (despite the existing lower rates);
unless public consultation, strengthening of the authoritarian line and greater disregard for opposition groups.
According to Garcia Murcia drift it will manifest soon and would request the mayor to open a round of talks with opposition groups to exchange opinions on local politics and upon completion of six months of his third government.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca