The mayor of Urban Mobility, Public Safety and Emergency Ayuntamiento de Lorca, Belén Pérez has been reported by the local police, has seen fit to establish special rules of the road for vehicular traffic on the occasion of the asphalting on Saturday on 21 June 2008, from 6 to 20 hours.
It prohibited the parking of vehicles and cut off the C /.
Alamo, C /.
Nuñez de Arce, a stretch of C /.
Albuquerque and C /.
Eytier General in this city.
Local police monitor, signals alternative routes traffic, for the better development of traffic safety in our city, and these routes the following streets, vehicles or combination of vehicles with a maximum length including load is equal to or less 6 meters, a height limitation of 2.5 m.:
Neighborhoods sense: Santiago, Santa Maria, San Juan, Courts and City Hall:
For C /.
Juan de Toledo, C /.
Lions etc.
or ring the Castle and C /.
Santa Maria.
-Sense Barrio de San Pedro, Lorca Public Parking Plaza and adjacent streets:
Tickets for Plaza La Concordia, C /.
Alfonso X El Sabio, etc.
and outputs for C /.
Vicente Ruiz Llamas (width limited to vehicles up to 1.9 m), C /.
Selgas, Spain etc Plaza.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca