The company's financial situation, management of receipts and payments, the market problems and high labor costs are the main concerns of SMEs in Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras, according to the first report by the College of Economists of the Region the Economic Observatory of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lorca.
The study, part of the first economic report of the Observatory business Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras launched by the Chamber of Commerce of Lorca with the collaboration of the CAM and the College of Economists of the Region of Murcia, to be made public in November, was presented today by the Minister for Enterprise, Salvador Marin, who began directing the observatory when he was dean of the College of Economists.
According forward today the main concern and challenge for SMEs to succeed is the company's financial situation with a score of 4'7 on five, followed, among other issues of professionalism and qualification of human resources.
It estimates the panel of 30 experts convened by the House as part of the observatory, which includes representatives from local councils, political parties, employers, banks and savings banks, unions and employers in Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras.
The study was a survey completed by 200 managers responding companies in both cities between July and September and concluded that, for employers, the main difficulties in the development of SMEs have to do with the difficulties of internationalization of its products.
The need for better links between universities and industry is one of the first difficulties cited by the entrepreneurs, said Marin, who stood out among its priorities, customer service, the company's reputation and his image and efforts technological improvement.
The strategy further are companies Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras is the specialization in a market segment over other issues such as having lower prices and costs to the rest of the competition.
The counselor presented today to members of the panel of experts a preview of the first report of the observatory, a 250-page document, which will be "X" of the current state of the business of Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras.
The report will be published next month in full after incorporating the findings on the same issue the panel of experts, and it will include the design of a road map to four-year forecasts.
The meeting was attended by the expert panel managers and savings banks, representatives of political parties, the mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, agricultural cooperatives, entrepreneurs of construction and services sectors, representatives of the Youth Association Entrepreneurs (AJE), the tourist consortium Lorca Taller del Tiempo, Ceclor employers and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, among other public and private institutions.
The Speaker of the House, Eusebio Abellán, said he was proud of this initiative, which provides updated data from the business sector that will serve as route guidance to companies to anticipate the challenges facing it and increase its competitiveness.
Abellán also stressed that the results of the Observatory is a reference tool for the different administrations when undertaking policies to SMEs.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca