The Department of Public Safety, Emergency Urban Mobility Hon.
Ayuntamiento de Lorca, and through the local police, has seen fit to establish special rules of the road for vehicular traffic because of construction for electrical connection to the Municipal Archives, from 9 to December 11, 2008 from 8 to 20 hours.
Will cut vehicle traffic in C /.
Selgas with C /.
Local police monitor, signals alternative routes traffic, for the better development of traffic safety in our city, and these routes the following streets, vehicles or combination of vehicles with a maximum length including load is equal to or less 6 meters, a height limitation of 2.5 m.
Neighborhoods sense: Santiago, Santa Maria, San Juan, Courts, City Hall, Public Parking Lorca Plaza and adjacent streets:
For C /.
Alfonso X El Sabio, C /.
Barn, c / .General Eytier, C /.
Alamo Plaza Spain, and adjacent streets, or by Beltway del Castillo, C /.
Plaza Santa Maria, Spain.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca