The Councillor for Education and the City University of Lorca, José Joaquín Peñarrubia, has reported that the Hall has launched a pioneering program in the municipality of Social Mediation in School, to prevent violence in the classroom, and to facilitate social and family integration, as well as disaffected pupils approach the center.
Specifically, this new service will serve those students with more problems among 3,119 students from seven public schools and 2,632 students from three secondary education institutions of Lorca, which will benefit in this first edition of the program promoted by the Consistory in collaboration with Autonomous Region and the People's University in the city.
Specifically, the centers will benefit public schools Andrés García Soler, Jose Robles, Sacred Heart, San Jose, Casa del Niño, Juan Gonzalez and San Cristobal, together with the Institutes of Secondary Ros Giner, Martín Ibáñez and Ramón Arcas.
Peñarrubia explained that "this initiative claim that students internalize a method to help them understand the consequences of their actions and learn to manage their behavior in an effective manner, while reducing the maximum punitive disciplinary methods, improved collaboration with families who may have difficulty in securing the attendance of their children. "
"The objectives of pursuing mediation to prevent violence, to intervene in the conflict, form of coexistence, promote reconciliation and to mediate between the educational teams and families," he added.
The project began with the presentation of the team of mediators in the schools, to continue the intervention, prevention and work with conflicting groups.
Councillor of Education is convinced that these actions contribute to developing a positive school environment by ensuring and improving communication between families and the center, also create institutional channels for conflict resolution allowing joint management, autonomous and participatory.
Similarly, be taught to all members of the educational community different strategies to resolve conflicts and promote responsibility before them.
Among the strategies used in this program include improved self-esteem and discipline, communication skills and increased self-control among students.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca