The Full Council of Lorca has unanimously approved this morning that the Consistory to be integrated into the Public Transport in the Region, to promote urban and intercity public transportation in the municipality in coordination with the rest of the Region .
Joint motion against violence against women
The municipal groups have approved a joint motion on the occasion of United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace, celebrated on 8 March, which agrees to contribute to the expansion and development of the Law Equality between Women and Men and Protection against Gender Violence in the Region.
It also agreed to promote and enable the incorporation of gender perspective into all policies, programs and actions developed from local government, carrying out the agreement of political will to implement gender mainstreaming signed by all City Council and the Regional Government through the Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Migration.
Similarly, it agrees to develop new policies and programs that promote awareness and shape of real equality between men and women.
In addition, co-education will be promoted as a tool for breaking gender stereotypes in education, through training programs for teachers as well as seeking the involvement of parents associations in this field representatives.
Also be promoted through new services and resources, reconciling work and family life of women and men.
Also be disseminated through training and awareness activities, shared responsibility between women and men, as a tool to promote equal opportunities.
The full City Council will ask the National Government and the Autonomous greater financial resources for implementing programs and activities to give effect to the policy of equal opportunities.
Finally, it was agreed to urge the National Government to strengthen the fiscal and social security to care for children and dependents, as well as hiring women considered at-risk groups of social exclusion or with less access to employment.
Unanimously against the budget as a hall # 1 132kV line for Fennel, watering places and Purias
The three municipal groups have agreed to a joint motion by the City of Lorca, under no circumstances, will assume the No. 1 proposed as a corridor for the passage of a line of 132 KV by deputations of fennel, watering places and Puri.
The agreement also provides that the City lorquino continue doing all the necessary steps in order to get a path that has the neighborhood consensus, with the least affection to houses and people.
More business area
The Corporation has agreed unanimously that the City continue to make efforts to promote the development of industrial parks under the Provincial de La Paca and Palm Zarcilla.
Under the agreement, "for it, it must reach agreement with landowners."
In this sense, the mayor Francisco Jodar has recalled that "the City will make an effort to support any company that is willing to settle in the upper rural districts, but recalled that the land designated as industrial by the General Plan in this area are private, so they are the owners who have to cover the costs of urbanization in the area. "
In another vein, it has finally adopted the Study Detail plots 1 and 2 of the Unit of Action UA, 1 Sector 7-I of La Hoya, who will develop a business plan for this area.
Steps to sign a protocol between the security forces on gender violence
The three municipal groups have approved that the City initiate the relevant procedures to sign a protocol of cooperation between the Security Forces of the State and Local Police on Gender Violence.
CERA Report
The City Council has mandated Lorca, by agreement of the three political groups, their technical services to the development of a detailed study of CERA in Lorca that sheds light on when, how and why this deviation occurs Lorca WAX CERA relative to the Region of Murcia.
In which countries, and what cities and towns in these countries, which include living as Lorca n CERA, when and under what criteria included and if there are people engaged in these tasks for inclusion of Spanish in these censuses.
Improved sports facilities IES Francisco Ros and Martin Ibañez
The House has unanimously agreed to make suitable arrangements for the improvement of sports facilities that share the campus institutes and Ibáñez Giner Francisco Ros Martin, providing the necessary project development and seeking funding to support them.
Designation of 15 roads in three neighborhoods and Zarzadilla de Totana
PP, PSOE and IU have unanimously agreed to grant the designation of 15 blocks, two of them in the Jardines de la Almenara, three of the Torre del Obispo, a Zarzadilla of Totana and nine in the Residential Infanta Leonor.
Ratification urban agreements
Other agreements urbanization are the final approval of the specific amendment number 2 of the catalog PEPRI Sector II Campus Historical Site: House number 16, block 4 to the list of goods covered by Lorca (who has had opposition from IU and vote of PP and PSOE) and the final probation Partial Plan and Action Plan Sector Sutullena County Council, with votes for the PP and PSOE, and the non-UI.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca