The start of the proceedings of a shock-absorbent PIMUN'09 |
The Spokesman of the government team Lorca City Council and Councillor for Employment, Lali Ibarra, unveiled this morning's unemployment data in the municipality to February 28, 2009, which he described as "very negative, because now we have 5,531 standing and each of them represents a family drama.
Although we have begun to reverse the trend, Lorca is immersed in the tide of national crisis is no stranger to the increase of 154,058 more unemployed people in Spain this month, which makes the country has to 3,481,859 unemployed people. "
Ibarra explained that in absolute terms has slowed the increase of unemployed on which there was in January.
Thus, in the first month of the year there were 366 more unemployed and in February 317.
Lali Ibarra has held that "the beginning of some of the works of the Municipal Investment Plan (PIMUN'09) has begun to revitalize the economy and dampen the rise that had been producing and hopefully in the coming months, when starting the bulk of the proceedings, it will improve this trend. "
In this sense, the city spokesman pointed out that "the PIMUN is an open plan and on it are working to do even more work than initially envisaged, for which we are managing to get more funding and, in principle, we have provided some 240 improvements that the City will implement this year.
These works will be joined by another battery of actions that run directly region. "
The city spokesman stressed that "women are weathering the crisis better.
In this sense, the difference of more than half of unemployed women increased (105), than men (212).
Lali Ibarra has stressed that the number of stops down the stretch from 45 to 49, and sections of women between 16 and 19 years, as well as those over 59 have been more than a new stop in January.
The sectors include the increase in only three new applicants for their first job on the January data, while the services sector is hardest hit, with 178 newly unemployed.
La portavoz municipal ha descrito que el perfil del desempleado en Lorca es un varón de entre 25 y 34 años, pues en este tramo de población se concentra el mayor incremento sufrido, unos 106 nuevos parados respecto al mes anterior.
Lali Ibarra ha hecho hincapié en que “el paro es la principal preocupación de este Equipo de Gobierno, por eso estamos haciendo un gran esfuerzo en el fomento de la creación de empleos con actuaciones que den resultados a corto plazo, al tiempo que dinamicen la economía de cara al futuro, sin olvidarnos del esfuerzo en fomento del autoempleo y formación de desempleados que estamos realizando desde las Concejalías de Empleo y Mujerâ€.
Por último, la Concejal de Empleo ha vuelto a solicitar al Gobierno de la Nación que cumpla con sus compromisos de construir un Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos en Lorca y ejecute de forma urgente el soterramiento del ferrocarril a su paso por todo el casco urbano, pues estas dos actuaciones, junto con las aportaciones de agua de otras cuencas hidrográficas, son imprescindibles para el resurgir de todos los sectores económicos de Lorca, con perspectivas de futuro.
Reunión con CECLOR
Para evaluar estos datos con los empresarios, así como detallar las obras del PIMUN y el posicionamiento del Equipo de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento a favor de la llegada del AVE soterrado a la ciudad, el Alcalde de Lorca, Francisco Jódar, y varios concejales se reunirán esta mañana con la Junta Directiva de la Confederación de Empresarios de Lorca (Ceclor).
 | ENERO 2009
| FEBRERO 2009
| 5.214
| 5.531
| 317
| 3.062
| 3.274
| 212
| 2.152
| 2.257
| 105
| ENERO 2009
| 4.848
| 5.214
| 366
| 2.845
| 3.062
| 217
| 2.003
| 2.152
| 149