The spokesman of the government team, Lali Ibarra has reported that the Governing Board also approved signing a cooperation agreement with the Autonomous Community of Murcia, through the Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Migration by which Lorca City Council will receive 68,161 euros for the care of women victims of domestic violence and operation of local employment centers.
Specifically, 42,411 Euro for the operation of the Center for Victims of Violence (CAVI), which caters to women victims of violence from different perspectives (legal, social and psychological).
The remaining 25,750 euros will allow the operation of the Local Employment Center for Women, which is contributing to employability, training and self-employment of women in times of crisis.
Monitors courses
"Assistant in Rural Tourism" and "Home Help"
The Governing Board also approved the selection of approved instructors for assistant courses and help rural tourism services, which are developed in the councils of Coy and Cazares.
This will be the first performance training that will develop the Department of Employment in parishes, in the effort of this team of government to meet its election commitment to decentralize services and give equal opportunities to the population of the town and villages.
These courses are included in the project PROEMPLEO-LORCA III, addressed to the professional qualifications of unemployed people through the development of pathways to integration, and funded by the European Social Fund.
Aid Associations of Parents of Alumni / ae
The Local Government has also approved the basis for the call for aid to Associations of Parents of students for 2008-2009, making the Department of Education and Universities, which will provide a payment of 15,000 euros.
May apply for these grants the AMPAS of schools in the municipality of Lorca, including Early Childhood Education Centres, Primary / Secondary, Conservatory of Music and School of Agricultural Training School following a report from the Centre.
Subsidized activities are a project of up to 600 euros by AMPA school education and extracurricular activities planned by these groups, conducted and coordinated by them, aimed at learners as the center.
The deadline for applications is April 30, 2009.
Request of the Cross of Alfonso X the Wise of Pedro Felipe Sánchez Granados
Finally, the Municipal Government Team has also agreed to join the request made by a group of teachers from the Cross of Alfonso X the Wise of Pedro Felipe Sánchez Granados, director of IES Martín Ibáñez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca