The festival was held last weekend in Medina del Campo (Valladolid) already moved about 200 Lorca among scouts, family members and former members of the association.
This issue was represented in the municipality of Lorca, in the presence of Joaquin Ruiz Montalvan, who accompanied to the traditional association during the weekend, as President of the Council Agustin Llamas Youth Lorca.
The participants competed with fourteen other scout groups in the festival of song, and although they could not get the award for best song, if they got the best animation of the event which was held at the plaza de toros de Medina del Campo.
There was also a meal of fellowship with all the national representatives of ASDE explorers from Spain, where the Mayor of Medina, Crescencio Martín Pascual, welcomed the presence of more than three thousand Scouts in the city, and the representation of their cities in the first fair Tourism in Medina del Campo (Valladolid), where Lorca was their tourism project with the various communities such as Valencia and Aragon.
In addition to the song festival, during the three days the expedition was able to enjoy activities lorquina inter-relationship with other scout in Spain as well as various socio-cultural-up highlighted in the performance of Madrid "Pignoise" who opened the Friday, a series of concerts held during the weekend.
Joaquin Ruiz stressed "the great capacity of this organism to organize youth events of this magnitude and appreciate the effort made by the Sun City scout and his companions to bear the image of the city of Lorca outside our borders."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca