On Friday May 8 began the first activity within the program of "diversity," Night Crossing with the Segway, which involved a total of 25 young people, starting from the Plaza of Spain, at 20 : 30 hours
The strength of the sun, saw the first of the stops made during the tour, in which participants could take some pictures, and enjoy the ride they offer us the inside of the castle gardens.
After several hours they came to one of the viewpoints of the Peñarrubia, which offered a small picnic participants who were able to relax and contemplate the night lorquina from a different place than usual to the drinking area.
Some of the members of the expedition noted that this activity as a surprise, while attractive organic and original.
By the organization stated that everything proceeded smoothly and have made a very positive assessment of it.
On Saturday, 9 are held in the pavilion of the malls football championship with the participation of 8 organizations and with the victory of all "young men of the convent who played the final against" AJPB "activity that lasted throughout the day was organized by the youth of the Association "red cross youth."
The Councillor for Sports, Francisco Montiel was present at the awards ceremony of this event, I appreciate the "very positive for the interrelationship of the various youth organizations in town."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca