The Town Planning of the City of Lorca and the municipal company responsible for Land and Housing SA Lorca (SUVILOR), Francisco García, announced that "five-to-market housing in the councils of Tercia La Hoya, in the framework of the cooperation agreement signed with the Regional Union of Employers of the Construction of Lorca (UCECON) in July 2008. "
"This new development of social housing that reflects the close cooperation from the municipal utility has been done with a serious sector, serves to help expand both the supply of housing.
Proof of this are more than 80 homes made available to the Lorca since October 2008, located mostly in the Barrio de San Cristóbal, "added the councilman.
These five homes now emerging public offering to expand the municipal districts of the Municipality of Lorca's interest to make available to all public housing Lorca, invigorating the market and working with the sector, so that it remains one of the engines wealth and job creation in the town of Lorca.
Three of these homes are located in the deputation of third and two in the La Hoya with sales prices from € 105,000.
These homes are put on the market under different regimes of protection.
The municipal dump their efforts in direct marketing in areas where there is no supply of social housing, especially in districts and the districts, with various activities planned for 2009.
Also, as a result of close collaboration between local and regional, will continue the public promotion of social housing, this time through the Housing and Land Institute as announced recently.
All information on this public offering homes are on the website as well as on the premises of the municipal company that are located on the ground floor of the Municipal Planning Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca