Mecca angel is calling to the responsibility of the PSOE and the council is at your disposal to provide all information requested about the work of our municipal PIMUN
Councilman Works and Services of the Municipality of Lorca, Angel Mecca, has clarified the false announcement in relation to improvement works on the waterfront of the Ducks made today by the PSOE.
In this regard, Mecca has expressed his "bewilderment" to hear about the PSOE of this work, because it is morally disqualified from submitting a project which have not worked or have ever believed.
In fact I want that Lorca, especially the residents of this area, know that all lorquino PSOE councilors voted against the improvement works of the Rambla de Los Patos because from the Team, with support from IU, is we asked through a motion to the full City Council to the Segura River Basin (an agency of the PSOE).
The mayor of Works and Services stated that Ms. Sanchez Jódar has been confused with the documents that have happened to their peers about this issue, since she is not even part of the municipal contracting committees which are reported on work.
Unfortunately for the party, ultimately these episodes of internal disorganization PSOE are occurring frequently.
From the City want to make clear that improvements in the works that Ms. da as safe, they will have to negotiate.
In fact there may be changes so that some could not run, so that the irresponsibility of Ms. Sanchez Jódar would be very serious, since it would have been able to generate a buzz among neighbors who then can not be met, for reasons the idiosyncrasy of the work. "
From City of Lorca have reminded the PSOE that regardless of the origin of money, the City Council is responsible for promoting and implementing the works.
Therefore, we invite the PSOE to hereinafter, fails to give details of projects and municipal works of those who know, or confused details.
Mecca has been attributed to the "precipitation" and "nervousness" prevailing within the local PSOE failures as they have done wrong to report on this work.
In connection with the statements of the PSOE in which management attributed to the possible inclusion of a number of improvements in this project from the council Works and Services reported that the written statement of improvements by the City and include the details listed by Ms. Sanchez Jódar.
Indeed, placed in contact with the company carrying out of works, this has made it clear he has not had any contact with the PSOE in the sense that the party has stated in a press conference held in the morning.
Angel Meca has clarified that the project will be presented in the near future.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca