The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, and the Director General of Child and Family of the Autonomous Region, accompanied by Councillors Social Security and Assistance of the Consistory Lorca, and Lali Belen Perez Ibarra, opened this morning the training seminar entitled " reality of child abuse in the field of Security Forces and Bodies: Action Protocols, which will involve nearly a hundred local police of Sun City
This training day aims to optimize the focus from the field of security bodies to children in situations of vulnerability.
To do this, there will be an international legal framework development, national and regional as well as explain how to identify signs, physical and behavioral indicators that indicate suspicion or evidence of abuse, and notify the competent authority in the matter.
According to the Observatory for Children Child abuse is defined as all this action, omission or neglect, not accidental, which deprives children of their rights and welfare, and to threaten or interfere with their proper physical, mental or social whose authors may be individuals, institutions or society itself.
The Counseling Psychologist Information and Studies, Directorate General of Family and Children, Daniel Perez, the officers will detail the protocol performance in the detection and reporting, which includes an initial assessment of the situation of vulnerability, action procedure in situations non-emergency and emergency situations (when the child's life is in danger or physical or psychological integrity is severely compromised, that is, when you meet the criteria of likelihood of abuse happen again).
On this day they have been delivered to staff a manual for professional sheet reporting of child abuse and instructions for completion.
Similarly, we have analyzed the factors associated, common approaches and shared with other professionals to assess the gravity of the situation and establish the urgency of the case, and operating procedures and communication with other professionals and reporting channels and derivation of detected.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca