Councillor for the Environment of the City of Lorca, Melchor Morales, has reported that 74.36% of citizens who have responded to the survey of satisfaction of the municipal company active in your web page welcomes the service provided by Limusa in the area of collecting dog excrement through sanecanes system, including the hundred bags for holding units with the feces of dogs.
When asked "Are you satisfied with the new service Saneco?" Three of every four Internet users Limusa awarded to an above-average score, arranged as simply "satisfied" and only 25% gave the lowest score.
Just over 6% considered "ineffective."
The satisfaction survey has been posted on the Home page of the Limusa-since last March.
The next, already available for its completion, attempts to gather information about citizen satisfaction regarding the provision of containers for the deposit of household waste, which will be open at least until the end of the year under the heading 'Containerization RSU' .
Morales said that "Limusa has attempted with the previous formulation to evaluate the initiative launched this past January, it began to replace the previous paragraphs of deposit of dog excrement for a new dark gray metallic 55 liter capacity with two separate receptacles to place bags stubs on both sides to dispense them free to their users. "
The new service, in addition to the static infrastructure, has a commercial vehicle and one operator exclusively for emptying and maintenance of sanecanes.
In addition, it remains in the same conditions, the service provided by the MotoKK.
On the other hand, the municipal corporation has started to test the satisfaction of the citizen who makes a complaint or suggestion registered channels for this purpose, through a charity collection of four short questions and assessment of 20 points in total, five for each question, where we want to get an indication of estimated time of response, customer service, the review of the decision taken and the overall rating of service provided by the municipal corporation in its entirety, in order to further improve the delivery of its services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca