The Spokesman of the Government Team of the City of Lorca, Lali Ibarra, and Councilman Works, Angel Mecca, reported this morning that the Local Government has commissioned Lorca companies today the installation of street lighting in the ways of the Pastors, The Navarros and Serval, in the hamlet of Marchena, and on the right bank of the Rivera de San Miguel, in the hamlet of Parrilla, including the Municipal Investment Plan (PIMUN).
These works will involve a total investment of 130,708 euros, of which 90% from the Regional Government through the Emergency Plan works in neighborhoods and districts, with which it seeks to increase and improve services to the residents of these areas in the municipality.
Also approved, order the execution of development works of four roads, covered by the same investment program, amounting to 170,410.07 euros.
Los Caminos del Cuco, the deputation of Morata; of Blas in Ramonete; Summit, Remendaos, Zarzalico deputation and the communication path parallel to the MP-620 in Pozo Higuera (including a green area on the trip) will be the beneficiaries of this action.
Similarly, the Local Executive has agreed to install street lights Jerónimo Santa Fe near Street Preacher Juan Antonio Malo and Los Naranjos, as well as at the intersection of Avenida Juan Carlos I to the street Seraglio, to to improve road safety and traffic flow in the city.
Agreement between the Municipality and the booksellers for bonolibro
Local Government Board has also approved the signing of an agreement laying down the forms and the term of commitment by the municipality of Lorca for payment to the bookstores and shops built in the Cultural Association of Booksellers Lorca, by acquisition, through so-called check-book, textbook for the education level 5 and 6 of primary education or 4 th year High School, as well as workbooks or exercises for students enrolled in schools supported by public funds.
As you may recall, the value of the stubs will be 90 euros per student, for the 5 th and 6 th Primary, and 100 euros per student for the course in 4 of compulsory secondary education.
Libraries, once exchanged the check-book for the necessary materials, should send the bill to the collaborating institution for approval and timely payment before 14 November.
If the amount of books and supplementary learning materials is smaller than the bonus amount awarded, the libraries can not provide the same under any other material other than books and learning materials for the course conducted by the student beneficiary.
The Caja de Ahorros de Murcia provide financial conditions of the grant payment of Lorca Hall of the Association of Booksellers for the payment of bonolibro.
To correct operation of this agreement has constituted a Joint Monitoring Committee.
May accede to the agreement, upon specific request, any bookstore or establishment for the sale of textbooks and instructional materials to accept its conditions, and has been previously selected by the collaborating institution among the network of institutions linked to the system, in accordance with the relevant statement of special technical requirements governing the execution of the contract of actions relating to the management of municipal bond-book.
17,250 euros for Songs and Dances Virgin de las Huertas
Ibarra has reported the agreement to provide the subsidy of 17,250 euros to the Group of Songs and Dances Virgen de las Huertas for development activities and expansion of our local folklore during 2009, with a budget of 29,425 euros.
Boosting employment and social action
The Local Government Team has also given impetus to social and employment policies with the hiring of a monitor for the CRONOS Employment Workshop, in addition to the approval of the list of accepted and rejected, and the tribunal for the project PAIDOS and a Master of Initial Vocational Training.
Similarly, it has given its approval to the basis for the selection of six monitors for the delivery of specific vocational training for office support services, computer support services, ancillary masonry, utilities, painter, operations auxiliary welding and steel construction, operations, plumbing, HVAC operations, marking the beginning of the Initial Vocational Training Program, Professional mode Workshop, organized by the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment, for 2009/2010,
Similarly, it has asked the Regional Employment Service and Training for an extension of the allocation of services Employment Agents and Local Development for the City Council approved.
On the other hand, to mark the start of the school year, we proceeded to the hiring of two municipal janitors, from the waiting list for these positions was the consistory with the disabled.
Agreement between the city of Lorca and Global Nature
Finally, we have agreed the signing of the annual renewal of the agreement between the city of Lorca and Global Nature on transfer of property in the Place de Villarreal to develop future conservation and recovery of the tortoise.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca