The residents of the hamlets of watering places, Campo Lopez and Purias affected by the proposed high voltage line-Eagles Hinojar criticize the Mayor of Lorca unilaterally canceled an interview with them.
The representatives from the council, has argued in the last minute by that date coincided with a trip to the mayor, but have not said a new date for the interview,
The residents of these councils Lorca feel perplexed and surprised by the cancellation of the concert and interview him Jódar Francisco Mayor reiterated the commitment of public demonstrations of support alternative designs of high-voltage line proposed by the neighbors.
Neighbors sue the mayor a clear stance on this issue and asked that the interview has been canceled unilaterally concrete again urgently.
Neighbors complain that the project would cause social impacts Iberdrola important to go through several properties in these districts of Lorca and pass over the houses, while no less damaging alternatives and affected far less than the locals.
The proposed route proposed by the utility also has significant environmental impacts to go through a protected natural area of high ecological value such as the Sierra de Almenara, that protection has international figures as: SCI (Site of Community Importance), SPA (Area Special Protection for Birds).
Keep in mind that the European Union subsidized with more than 3 billion euros for the establishment and management of this protected area.
Source: Ecologistas en Acción