On the afternoon of Monday 5 was inaugurated the new street lighting Gaspara Road in the village of Campillo, which was attended by the Mayor of the city, Francisco Jodar, accompanied by Councilman Works and Services, Angel Meca
The work consisted of a budget allocation of EUR 44,302 under the Plan of Works and hamlets that have signed with the Autonomous Municipality, for which the City provides 10%, while the Regional Government provides the remaining 90%.
The lighting consists of 33 lighting points in the Path of Gaspara and 18 lighting points in the Camino de Las Palmeras, serving the many residents of the hamlet as well as expressed by the users themselves, the neighbors, since it busy roads.
But there are only two performances in lighting affecting the village of Campillo, since it will be opened in the near future street lighting in the Tower Road and street lighting in Castle House, all under the same plan Works and hamlets.
Pending belonging to other lighting Altobordo Road, known as D-12, between the gas station and the Eagles road popularly known as the highway.
This lighting has been one hundred percent funded by the Directorate General of Highways, "so that the City Council have to thank the Ministry of Public Works to the determined effort being made to collaborate with the City in this process of lighting the busiest roads in the districts, "said Francisco Jódar
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca