Councilman Hacienda del Ayuntamiento de Lorca, Antonio Ibarra, explained that "social justice is more than two thousand families who were paying for 15 million square meters of land cultivated as if it is constructed"
Economics Councilman City of Lorca, Antonio Ibarra, has announced that "if in 2005, the former government team committed injustice to force the owners of land where plantations were paid as if they had homes, is the municipal government which now solves this tax with the approval of a bonus to these neighbors. "
Ibarra explained that "since the adoption of the new General Plan Municipal Urban Development, residents who were still betting on agriculture in their land from construction, have been calling for not having to pay as if these lands had been urbanized."
More than two thousand families owners of 15 million m2 affected by this measure will handle your request in the new tax ordinance 2010.
"Once again, we give solution to the demands of the residents, solve a problem created by previous governments, and served to cut taxes logical criteria," stressed Ibarra.
The new article of the ordinance reflects that "are entitled to a bonus of 35% in the gross tax, real estate urban nature urban land classified as rural settlement, land for development sectorized, excluding those who have finally adopted partial development plans, and excluding buildings located within these soils are taxed without being included in the base map, in addition to those general systems attached to the above. "
This bonus may be increased by 10 percentage points agreed by the Local Government Board, on request of the interested explicitly in the case of property that have a competitive level of municipal services, infrastructure and public facilities below the existing in the area of the environment and within the same sector.
Exclusively for 2010, establishing a non-extendable period of application for the grant of the bonus period from 1 January to 30 April 2010 and with effect for 2010.
The request was submitted during the month of December preceding the year in which they should enter into force the credit extended and must be accompanied by the photocopy of the ID of the holder of the deed, and the last IBI receipt of the property for which Extended bonus is requested, plus a map to delineate the property.
Likewise, the applicant may accompany the documentation it deems appropriate and to allow the City of verifying compliance with the requirements for granting the tax benefit.
Once granted the credit extended, remain in force for future years unless modified the circumstances justifying the grant.
The taxpayers must notify the City Council any material alteration of the terms or conditions required for the implementation of tax benefit.
Councillor for Finance gave as examples properties of the villages of Redon (almonds), Osset Homes and Don Gonzalo (Paca), Cuesta de La Escarihuela, Pool and Sell Ceferino (The Wire), ... and developable land sites Aguadero eg, almond, Campillo, Coy, La Hoya, La Campana, Puri, ...
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca