Some say the goodbyes are always sad.
This is clearly not the case.
And the cycle-walk that closed the Sports games Guadalentín XXXI could be many things, but never sad.
Not by chance.
It was, rather, a party for the popular sport.
It was eleven o'clock on Monday holidays when the large doors of the Garden of the conference opened, leaving from the nearly 1,400 cyclists gathered to participate in the Cyclo-Tour and dismiss the Olympics Lorca as they deserve, with record included, for never have so many amateur cyclists participated in this test.
Thus, until the moment of departure, the venue was packed lorquino bike and smiles, the two requirements to be eligible for appointment.
Large and small rose on the seat and decided to walk the streets of Lorca on a bicycle, claiming this means of transport and demanding, too, the benefits of sport.
The peloton, with the proper environment for flag, crossed the Calle Poeta For Vico, Alameda de Cervantes and Ronda Sur, crossing after the Carretera de Granada Barrio de la Viña and San Jose, to enter the Avenida Juan Carlos I.
Upon completion of the main street of the city, cyclists rose centennial Town Bridge, crossed the main street, Avenida Europa and take the Calle Juan Antonio Dimas, to come back to the Garden of the Wheel.
The length of the route was 8'4 miles, but it is true that we surveyed in a flash, the music, both the PA and from the musicians installed on platforms, the rings from the bikes, the fun of traveling pedal Lorca group and the meters did not cost that small slopes and found they became sweet descents.
With all the riders back in the Garden of the Wheel, we proceeded to the prize draw and the prize of the day to the best costumes and the curious two-wheeled vehicles.
The laughter, how could it be otherwise, accompanied throughout the delivery.
Before the draw, the President of the "Lorca, Biciudad, an organization that worked in this Cycle-Walk, Manuel Martin, addressed those present, vindicating the bicycle as transportation and encouraging attendees to make use of her every day, not just in special tests like this.
Then, Alderman of Sports City of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, a few words of thanks to all attendees, as well as clubs and associations that have collaborated in the organization of the XXXI Guadalentín Sports Games, Games Montiel scored as "one of the best ever."
After more than thirty days, fifty tests, thousands of kilometers, hundreds of balls and thrown balls, and much much more, Sport Games Guadalentín goodbye to their best, enjoying the benefit of the participants and leading the fun all, regardless of their age and physical condition.
Now it's time to take stock, compare data, draw conclusions.
But having achieved that Lorca enjoy the sport, as it has been, all the objectives that arose in the beginning, have been met.
And is one less day to begin the Sports Games Guadalentín XXXII.
And is one day less for us to enjoy again the most popular sport.
Until then, we enjoy the ski slopes, swimming pools, sports fields and facilities in the city.
Because, as demonstrated during these past five weeks, the sport is to enjoy it.
Source: Juegos Deportivos del Guadalentín