University Association "Musso Valiente" and the town of Lorca, through the Department of Culture and Celebration presented this morning at a press conference the Cycle III Human Rights Film "A horizon of dignity" and the First Cycle of Musicians Lorca "Encounters with the music."
At the ceremony were present the President of the Association, Ana Emilia Martinez, the mayor of Culture, Rosa Medina, plus Agüera Gines García and Antonio Manzanera who will be responsible for delivering the cinema and music, respectively.
The Third Cycle of Cinema and Human Rights held at the IES Ramón Arcas Meca ", from October 23 to November 13, with programming that includes works such as" Gran Torino "Clint Eastwood," 14 miles "by Gerardo Olivares, "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Ford and "The Monkey" by Ignacio Estrella, who will attend the Sun City to discuss the dramatic role played by the actor Abdelatif HWID.
Rosa Medina "is about travel and routes leading to the dignity of human beings, that further explores and granting of naturalization to issues that concern society, these films serve as a good excuse to deepen further on these issues a symposium. "
As I Stream Music to Lorca, the mayor of Culture pointed out that "will take place on Wednesday 21th October in the Garden Ruano with a conference - hearing on Bartolomé Pérez Casas musical fragments Suite to my land, Quartet in D minor piano pieces for clarinet and national anthem of Spain.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca