The Minister of Universities, Business and Research, Salvador Marín, accompanied by the Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar has opened this morning at the Hotel V Amalthea the PuntoPyme Network Meeting which brought together representatives of all agencies that make up this network Business Information Region of Murcia, besides presenting a program of actions for next year.
After delivery of documentation, the participants have begun with the development of the conference, with the opening of the main table and the delivery of outstanding Red PuntoPyme year, among whom were several municipalities in the Region, and various business organizations .
Among the measures that help to be closer to the business in 2010, the Minister stressed the creation of regional support groups to collaborate on projects involving the identification of business opportunities in the regions of the Altiplano, Guadalentín Valley, Cartagena-and-up and Northwest, and the initiative Info / PuntoPyme, consisting of scheduled appointments and personal attention, in collaboration with local councils.
Thus, the Department complies with the commitment to a balanced development of the Region of Murcia as stipulated in the Industrial Plan.
Advisor demonstrations rely on the balance of activity of the Network, which served 11,267 queries firms, representing an increase of nearly 70 percent over the period 2004/2005.
Moreover, the Minister for Enterprise highlighted the work done by the 'Special Service', which just six months of life has come 14 municipalities and 532 visiting SMEs in which they have released various services of the Institute Development and other bodies of the Ministry.
Red Point is the most comprehensive SME information and services network for SMEs and entrepreneurs covering the whole regional territory.
It comprises more than 100 points of information spread across the geography of the Region of Murcia and integrates the main entities that are in contact with small and medium enterprises and self-employment initiatives.
The offices of the Institute of Development, the office in partnership with the Chambers of Commerce, the entities with which the Institute of Development has agreements in this field, universities and councils and Local Development Agents of the various councils of Murcia, working in coordination with the INFO to optimize your work and make more effective relationships with SMEs and entrepreneurs.
Francisco Jodar has stressed that "this event aims to provide information about the Red PuntoPyme on their aid programs through the Institute of Development, industrial land availability, personal advice, as well as events and activities of interest to entrepreneurs."
The Mayor of Lorca has been reported that "the Red PuntoPyme is addressed to all who make up the regional business community.
Small and medium enterprises, small businesses, sole proprietors, freelancers and entrepreneurs anywhere in the Murcia region can benefit from all that is disseminated through a wide network of information and services for SMEs in the regional territory. "
One innovation this year by the Network has been the implementation during the first half of 2009 of the 'Minimum Service Portfolio' (CSM), through which it is satisfied that the member organizations of the Red PuntoPyme provide a coordinated and appropriate information and advice services to businesses and entrepreneurs who come to them.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca