Economic Affairs spokesman of the PSOE, Isidro Abellán, said through a ploy of "creative accounting", the CP seeks to compute "a false" income that is not really such, in order to justify spending "over the real possibilities of the City. "
Economic Affairs spokesman of the PSOE, Isidro Abellán reported today that the PP mayor, Francisco Jodar, aims to "inflate" the budgets of the Municipality of Lorca in 2010, "make up the face of public opinion and seriously compromising the stability of the treasury municipal. "
Abellán explained that in Parliament today, the PP government team adopted an amendment to the Base 56 of the Municipal Budget, which sets the "percentages that are considered difficult to fund."
This is revenue that the City Council has passed receivable voluntary pathways that affect the executive and Property Tax (IBI), Business Tax (IAE), Tax Motor Vehicle (car seal), licenses works and capital gains, among others.
Ie they are bills "delinquent" issued several years ago and that the City could not collect.
Base 56, establishes what percentage of the receipts may recover the City Council and, therefore, how much money may be included as "potential income."
Abellán warned that the team led by Francisco Jódar aims to increase the percentage of amounts that it considers to be charged, "but you know they really are very difficult to fund."
So far, the percentage of potential revenue receipts with a delay of more than four years of recovery, was 20%.
With the amendment to be adopted by the PP, it will be 75%.
With this maneuver, which in economic jargon is called "creative accounting", the CP seeks to compute "a false" income that is not really such, in order to justify spending "over the real possibilities of the City."
Therefore, Abellán said his party would vote against this maneuver he called "senseless and harmful", besides being a hoax to the public.
Source: PSOE de Lorca