The manager of Campus Universitario de Lorca, Juan Ramón Medina, and the councilman of Health of the Municipality of Lorca, Antonia Lopez, presented this morning the day of awareness and prevention of osteoporosis, on the occasion of World Day of the disease .
Medina explained that "the hall of the Regional Confederation of Organizations of Lorca (CECLOR) will host on October 20 at 18:00 pm This meeting is organized by the hand of the Hispanic Federation of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases (FHOEMO). "
The day will open the Director General of Planning, Health and Pharmaceutical Management and Research of the Ministry of Health, José Antonio García Córdoba.
Then the delegate FHOEMO Region, the specialist in diagnostic radiology, Andrés Martínez-Almagro, will be released and osteoporosis prevention.
From 19:00 hours the geriatric nutritionist Carolina Pérez Iglesias (from FHOEMO) will speak on nutritional balance in osteoporosis.
Half an hour later a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital Rafael Mendez of Area III of Magdalena Molina, explain the treatment of this disease.
The day will end with an explanation of Campus Universitario de Lorca, by Juan Ramon Medina, and the closure by Councilwoman Antonia López.
Indeed, Antonia Lopez stressed that "this initiative is in addition to the campaign that has been developing for a year with informative lectures, distribution of 3,000 brochures and testing in both the urban and in rural districts."
The conference is sponsored by Bodegas FECOAM and Contreras.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca