The increase in public works to transform the town and boost the economy, including the PIMUN'09, along with the forecast for the Municipal Action Plan 'Lorca 2011', has made € 200,000 in interest and are not to pay this year, are intended to initiate and manage new projects.
Thus, it exceeds 1,048,980 euros investment in fees for construction.
Councilman Hacienda del Ayuntamiento de Lorca, Antonio Ibarra, has reported that the municipal plenary approved with the votes for the PP and IU and against the PSOE, 200,000 euros to increase heading into the 2009 municipal budget for development and management of new public works projects.
Ibarra explained that "during 2009 the City Council is far exceeding the 300 projects originally foreseen in the Municipal Investment Plan (PIMUN'09), plan to be constantly expanding thanks to grants management by this team government.
This situation, coupled with the commitment we have that in 2010 and 2011 to keep pace of public works through the Municipal Action Plan 'Lorca 2011', to stimulate the economy and create jobs, has created the need to increase € 200,000 heading fees initially planned for projects, so they can be written and directed some of those works.
"This increased investment can be done thanks to the fruit of economic management we have done, including the renegotiation of the debt has been reduced by € 200,000 planned expenditure for the payment of interest during this year," stressed the councilman.
Antonio Ibarra has stressed that "this first amendment to the 2009 budget that takes plenary, we devote a significant amount of tax money that was due to interest payments, which no longer have to pay, and however, will boost the economy, transforming the city and create jobs. "
Therefore, the City Council this year allocated a total of more than 1,048,980 euros in the drafting and construction management, investment that will materialize this year and next.
Therefore, the City Council this year allocated a total of more than 1,048,980 euros in the drafting and construction management, investment that will materialize this year and next.
For example, 81,200 euros will be allocated granted by the Ministry of Culture to prepare the project for the Palace of Guevara.
Ibarra stated that "this is another example of the great work he is taking the City Council during this term, as we have reached the most important item referred to this chapter in the last three terms."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca