ADILOR undertakes to provide information, advice and guidance to all those affected by diabetes in Lorca and the surrounding area, care for people with diabetes in the social area, providing psychological resources to cope with the disease, creating self-help groups to exchange experiences and views and to promote leisure and free time to provide young people with diabetes and diabetes education.
The Department subsidizes NGO Asofem € 10,000
The Councillor for NGO's, Mari Carmen Ruiz, has reported the signing of an agreement with the Association of Families of Mentally Ill of Lorca and Shire (Asofem) by which this entity will receive
Igualmente, fomentará la interacción entre los familiares de personas con enfermedad mental para facilitar un clima de comprensión y apoyo consiguiendo una mejora en la relación con su familiar afectado.
Igualmente, seguirán apoyando y fomentando el bienestar de las familias de personas con enfermedad mental, aliviando situaciones de estrés ocasionadas por la enfermedad.
Por último, contribuyen a la integrar a las personas con enfermedad mental en las actividades comunitarias, así como promover el uso y disfrute de los recursos de divertimento propios de la ciudad.
Lorca euros subsidizes the Parkinson Association
The Councillor for NGO's in the City of Lorca, Mari Carmen Ruiz, has this morning signed a collaboration agreement with the Association of patients with Parkinson Lorca, by which subsidizes Consistory
4.500 euros el funcionamiento de este colectivo.
4,500 euros operation of this group.
El acuerdo facilitará la gestión del desarrollo de los diferentes programas que ejecutan desde la asociación, así como establecer redes de comunicación y coordinación con entidades públicas y privadas
The Association of Widows "Virgen del Alcazar" supported municipal
Spanish Association Against Cancer
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar has signed a collaboration agreement with the Spanish Association Against Cancer, which will subsidize the Consistory of 18,000 euros for this group to continue its business of healthcare, human, research and all type in the year 2009, in accordance with its statutory objectives, in the town of Lorca and the region in their fight against this disease.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca