Ferra: "The sad spectacle of the mayor of the PP, Francisco Jódar and" alarm "that led to their social manifestations have led to ADIF having to issue a performance that has not yet been assigned but which fit into the plans of the Ministry of Development "without any doubt"
The general secretary of the PSOE in Lorca, Diego Ferra, said today that the Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF) and Lorca station provides on its website but with the caveat "in informative study."
This is because as I said this in a statement a few days ago, Adif reports only those actions that have been approved by the Ministry of Development and implemented in the future the railway manager, as happens with the stations in Almeria Vera, and Murcia.
Currently, the section Access to Lorca, the High Speed Line Murcia - Almería, where the future station will be located, as is foreseen by the Ministry of Development, is in writing the study report, conducted by the Directorate General Railways, Ministry of Development, so it is not for Adif define at what point of Lorca house the station and still has not been entrusted with the drafting of the project.
However, according to Ferro, the sorry spectacle of the mayor of the PP, Francisco Jodar, and "alarm" that led to social manifestations ADIF have caused "an exception" to clarify the matter.
Likewise, Ferra has published the answer to José López de Ochoa, Head of the Delegation of Communication and External Relations Adif East has sent, via e-mail to a lorquina citizen who addressed the agency to ascertain the question.
In that letter, Ochoa Lopez said that the High Speed Line Almería - Murcia is divided into several sections, and, in particular, in the City of the Sun, is defined as "Access to Lorca", which is now up "the completion of the study reported by the Ministry of Development," which defines "where it will run that section."
In the email also claims that "the Ministry of Public Works has confirmed that there will be a station in Lorca in the high-speed line."
In that sense, Ferra was asked if a citizen has been able to access without major problems Adif this information through a simple e-mail, how can Jódar "this controversy has mounted absurd" and has not had "the minimal sense of responsibility "to prevent such an alarm to Lorca.
Finally, Ferra Jódar demanded to "stop making a fool" and do his work, as they have done the popular mayor of Murcia and Cartagena, "which have already signed agreements for the burial of the train as it passes their respective cities. "
In that sense Ferra said that "at this point" because everyone is clear that the only obstacle to get a rail Lorca "first level" is the mayor of the city, as always, "is more obsessed with giving headlines, even absurd, that the progress of the municipality. "
Source: PSOE de Lorca