According to the Socialist councilor Lucia Sanchez, sufferers complain of "marginalization" by the council and ensure that their attempts at making the PP government team solve the problem, "have fallen on deaf ears."
The Socialist councilor Lucia Sanchez, requested the PP government team in Lorca that illuminates the ways of The Guirretes and The rufous, both in the council of Puri, whose electrical ended last March.
The mayor reported that more than eight months ago you ran the installation of street lighting on both roads, and yet, today the nearly 200 residents affected are "dark."
Sanchez said many of them have been in contact with the Socialist Municipal Group to express their anger because the area of the site of the pool, in the hamlet of The Wire, it does have street lights even though the installation was undertaken "somewhat later."
Sufferers complain of "marginalization" by the council and ensure, in the words of the mayor, his attempts at making the PP government team solve the problem, "have fallen on deaf ears."
The mayor hoped that the neighbors have a response by municipal officials or otherwise take the matter to Full Council.
Source: PSOE Lorca