The Spokesman of the Government Team of the City of Lorca, Lali Ibarra, has announced that the Local Government Board has today agreed a provisional award of the construction of the Center Ramonete Territorial Security in the amount of 199,303.99 euros.
This new Territorial Security Center, as well as Puri, will have a budget of 10 local police officers, specifically the UESCARM, and 1 out and a sergeant.
The construction works for a duration of approximately 12 months and are framed within the Municipal Investment Plan (PIMUN).
Has also been made to the final award of contracts relating to the conduct of the work and coordination of health and safety of the works of the Integrated Center for Security-CIES.
These three new Local Police barracks in addition to those already rehabilitated and running thanks to a municipal investment in the districts of La Hoya and almond trees, and the Emergency Center Palm Zarcilla.
Calle Vicente Huarte and Lunel
It has also initiated the Municipal Executive to award the file works, referred to in the Municipal Investment Plan (PIMUN'09), improvement of infrastructure in the first tranche of Calle Vicente Huarte and Lunel, located in front of the Iglesia del Carmen, with an investment of € 226,918.31, resulting from the grant to the city of Lorca by the Ministry of Universities, Business and Research, based on the Order of June 4, 2008 of the Autonomous Region of Murcia ( Ministry of Economy, Enterprise and Innovation), grant-financed with FEDER funds (Structural Funds) of the European Union.
The project aims to work the works necessary to carry out the renovation of water supply, sanitation and paving, as well as the underground network of street lighting and underground channels required for the underground networks and low voltage distribution telephony.
The need for these works, which seeks the promotion of the commercial sector is justified by the deterioration of present facilities and paving of the streets, while modifying the configuration of the street in accordance with the General Municipal Plan Management of Lorca, Article 103.4 establishes the type of the pedestrian and the coexistence of pedestrians and vehicles.
Finally awarded five road improvements
The Local Government has awarded final design of five paths of the villages of Doña Inés, river, watering places, and Fontanares Hinojar, for a total of 619,237.93 euros, financed by the Regional Government and the City, in a proportion 90% and 10%.
Similarly, we have followed the same procedure for the redevelopment of streets in the neighborhoods of San Juan, San Pedro and San Cristóbal, with a total investment of 449,395 euros.
The roads will benefit from these actions, which includes improving infrastructure, are C / Mayor of San Juan and Plaza of San Juan, along with Vidal Street, Crags, Dog Crossing Street, Zapata, and Barrio Dog Crossing Street San Pedro, as well as Calle Cañada de Animas and Zamora, del Barrio of San Cristobal.
It has also been awarded definitely works concealment installation of infrastructure for waste collection in the districts of Lorca, in the amount of 189,980 Euros, whose works will last a month.
Adaptation of the College Library Alfonso X El Sab i o
Finally, within the municipal policy to improve educational services, has agreed to grant to the College of Education and Primary Alfonso X El Sabio a grant of 4,000 € to cover the costs incurred in respect of the adequacy of the school library .
Similarly, it has granted the Public Schools Pedanías Lorca and the amounts of the cleaning and maintenance costs for the second half of the year 2,009, according to the criteria indicated by the Resources Management Committee Municipal School Board, which agreed as a criterion for the distribution of available funds to schools for living expenses set a prize of € 156 per class.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca