El Senador lorquino del Partido Popular, José Joaquín Peñarrubia Agius, ha informado de que el Grupo de Senadores Murcianos del PP va a reclamar al Estado, a través de una batería de 17 enmiendas, la inversión de 58 millones de euros dentro de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2010.
El objetivo de estas reclamaciones es dar respuesta a las necesidades concretas más urgentes de inversión que tiene la comarca.
Las materias objeto de estas enmiendas son:
1) Alta Velocidad:
1-1) Inclusión del Corredor del Mediterráneo, desde Algeciras hasta Girona, en los proyectos prioritarios de la Red Transeuropea de Transportes, con un importe estimado entorno a los 10 millones de euros
1-2) Línea de la Alta Velocidad Murcia-Almería, en concreto en los tramos: Totana-Alhama de Murcia-Lorca-Almería, por un importe de 12 millones de euros.
1-3) Línea Alta Velocidad Pulpí-Murcia, con un importe de 10 millones de euros.
1-4) Estación de AVE de Lorca, por un importe de 1 millón de euros.
2) Communications:
2-1) Enabling a third lane of the A-7, from Crevillente Puerto Lumbreras, worth 10 million euros.
3-1) Provisions for access and public use of the coast in the town of Aguilas, with an amount of € 2 million.
4) Culture:
4-1) Financing the Auditorium and Congress Palace from Lorca, DE1 worth a million euros.
4-2) Recovery and rehabilitation of the environment of the whole castle cave houses Nogalte of Puerto Lumbreras, with 600,000 euros of investment.
4-3) Restoration of the Church of San Patricio de Lorca, with an amount of 1 million euros.
Stove Restoration pier in the town of Aguilas, for 2 million euros.
Rehabilitation of the Palace of Guevara de Lorca, with 1 million euros.
5) Paradores of Spain:
5-1) Renovate and modernize the facilities of the Parador de Puerto Lumbreras, an amount of 2 million euros.
6) Justice:
6-1) New Courthouse in Lorca, with an estimated amount because it is a generic amendment: 2 million euros.
6-2) New Civil Registry Lorca, with an estimated amount for being a. Amendment generic of 400,000 euros.
7) Interior:
7-1) Acondicionamiento y mejora de la Comisaría del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía de Lorca, con un importe estimado por tratarse de una enmienda genérica de medio millón de euros.
Houses of the Civil Guard barracks in Aguilas, Lorca and Zarcilla de Ramos, for 1.5 billion euros.
PP lorquino Senator has stated that these amendments, which affect only the three towns mentioned, we must add, because of its importance and significance, two of which arise as adding additional provisions relating to obtaining water and the establishment of an agreement to carry out investments in the Region of Murcia to match the average per capita investment nationwide is estimated at 250 million €.
The first of these amendments in addition states that the Government should provide an effective, consistent and supportive to the needs of water in Spain, that would, without preconceptions, all technical possibilities to improve the management and reuse of water, as well as transfers of surplus water available from surplus to deficit basins under the principle of territorial solidarity.
In it, Agius Peñarrubia indicates that the incompetence and inefficiency of the government of Rodriguez Zapatero have resulted in the complete absence of water policy in Spain.
The criteria are erratic and can vary for each case.
Has broken a course of decades, without any real alternative.
Is to recover the rigor of approaches and institutional loyalty in the world of water, now lost.
The lack of water policy has led to a domino effect on the rotting situations and resolved in a peaceful, old ghosts are waking up confrontation and intracuencas interbasin water planning that had resolved, and is losing the flow of mutual trust between users and public authorities, without which nothing can be carried out successfully.
Growing tension and desperation of those who see that their problems are not resolved in a positive way.
In historical terms, we are seeing a decline in thirty years, which brings us back to the period prior to the reform of water law and water planning.
In this sense, the PP believes it is essential to restore mutual trust, eliminate territorial confrontation, and seek agreement as the basis on which to build the future.
The second of these amendments indicates that the Government, within three months, presented to the Autonomous Community of Murcia an agreement to invest in the community who represent the average per capita investment nationwide.
The justification for this amendment is determined by the fact that per capita investment for the Region of Murcia is less than the national average investment, the difference taking into account the population estimated by the National Government of 1,392,368 people, is a reduction of the investment chapter of over 250 million euros.
Moreover, the budget implementation of Chapter VI for the Region of Murcia in recent years, both the Ministries and other public bodies, has been very low, having failed to invest more than 1,000 million euros and / or delaying the successive works, studies, etc.
All we understand is a mark of solidarity and justice that also includes the transfer item finalists for investment in various works.
Source: PP Lorca