The Speaker of the City of Lorca, Lali Ibarra, Diego Ferra has encouraged to ponder its statements to the media, and in recent months, he was severely altered, with words out of tune and using your notes press an inappropriate tone of a politician who has held the responsibilities of government.
Ibarra has indicated that it will enter into the spiral of personal disqualification undertaken by Mr. Ferra.
With regard to the reflections of that PSOE politician on the issue of unemployment in Lorca, Ibarra has assumed the responsibility of her competence, while Ferra reminded that these figures are the result of national policies are being this country back to levels unimaginable.
Ferra Ibarra urged to remember how it was Spain with the government of Prime Minister Aznar, and how are you putting Zapatero, with more than 4 million unemployed.
Given this evidence, who wants to cheat Mr. Ferra?
Municipal Spokesperson noted that Mr. Ferra was lucky enough to govern in Lorca when the money drawers burst planning agreements.
At that time neither the PSOE nor Mr. Ferra were able to save some money, and now the council is doing everything it can to move this city.
All this despite the fact that some still think that what is good for Lorca's bad for the PSOE.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca