The Socialist Councillor Maria Ponce recalled that it is in many cases employees have over twenty years with the company and helped it has yielded significant benefits in times of prosperity.
Councilwoman Maria Ponce socialist today expressed support and solidarity of the PSOE lorquino workers Cemelorca company today have staged one-day strike over unpaid wages.
Ponce, who has come this morning near the company where workers concentrated fifty, he lamented the difficult economic circumstances that cross them, who did not receive their salaries for three months.
The socialist mayor has asked the company responsible for complying with the agreement reached with the workers' representatives last November to the payment of wages.
Ponce pointed out that it is in many cases employees have over twenty years with the company and helped it has yielded significant benefits in good times, as expressed concerned.
"It's not fair," he pointed out that in lean times the crisis pay the usual and are in a desperate situation, unable to get their families out or face paying their mortgages. "
Source: PSOE Lorca