Portal de Lorca


Lorca - SpanishLorca - English
detail of Lorca


The PSOE requires the completion of construction of the C / Santa Rosa, which has been open for half a year (19/01/2010)

Councilwoman Maria Ponce denounced socialist state street Santa Rosa, which has been closed to traffic since last August when they began the refurbishment of this pathway under the Plan E.

Ponce said that, unlike Tinkers Lane, adjacent streets, in this work are not finished because we still have not installed the underground containers provided.

This causes the closure of pedestrian and road traffic as there is a big hole "which also entails risk for pedestrians" because it is not properly marked, in a busy area especially for young people visiting the library Pilar Barnes attached to it.

The socialist mayor lamented the lack of foresight and planning of the PP government team in a play called "sloppy."

He demanded that the works are completed and filled to stop the patience of the neighbors who do not understand why they have the road open for half a year.

As has noted the Municipal Socialist Group, the company awarded the project has been waiting for months to relocate a water line to install the containers.

The PSOE will ask the government team to what is expected to address this issue and how far it intends to carry the carrying capacity of the neighbors.

Source: PSOE Lorca

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