Under the provisions of Article 49 of Law 7 / 1985, 2 April, regulating the Basis of Local Government, Municipal Socialist Group presented an amendment to the text all amendments to the Municipal Town Planning Regulations adopted in plenary on 30 November 2009 and published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia on December 24, 2009.
We show, first, our disagreement with the proposed text, and method used in negotiation which led to articles submitted by the Municipal Government of the Popular Party as a modification of the Statute of the Municipal Town Planning.
Regarding the contents of the amendment, noticeably extending the previous powers of the Municipal Regulations of Urban Planning Councilman granted, passing it to possess the representational functions of the president in his absence, the powers delegated to it by , and carrying the signature of communications and correspondence is kept with any other body of public administration, as well as Vice Chairman of the Council to hold an all-round position in the functioning of the Urban Planning Department.
All to the detriment of the Council, whose functions are emptied of content to be assumed, almost entirely, by the Town Planning.
The changes proposed by the new text involve the assumption by the Town Planning Councillor for more than twenty in a one-man performances such as granting any license, including child labor, segregation, division of property, subdivision, first occupation, openness and business establishments and industries and certificates of occupancy and second occupation.
In addition, be responsible for managing staff, sign planning agreements, issue warrants of execution of works and resolve complaints and appeals directly to the settlements or acts of nature dictated by management tax.
Not to mention that these new statutes of the Municipal Urban Planning empowers the council to conduct an official review their own actions, as reflected in Chapter Three, Section One, Article 8.2).
With the new operating system proposed by the People's Government in our town, is serious and dangerous erosion of the role exercise checks and balances in every democratic institution is recognized legitimate political opposition, assuming a clear regression in rights citizens of Lorca.
The imbalance introduced by the amendment of the Regulations of the Municipal Town Planning for the figure of Vice President of Management diaphanous reduced form of management autonomy as opposed to strengthening the role that is granted to the Board of Government, which is a double check in place to facilitate greater flexibility of urban management is housed in a hindering element thereof; worse the service is offered to the public.
The result of applying the new statutory language implies a regression in the exercise of democratic pluralism, one of the ultimate goals of our rule of law, since it restricts the participation of the Management Board, resulting all in an obvious impairment transparency, efficiency and participation in a recognized body as guarantor profile is the Council of the Urban Planning Department.
Instead of adapting the law, what has been tried with this modification is to structure a much more opaque body, likely to hinder the information to the Board of Management as well as its participation in the operation of the same, without that maneuver impact on increased efficiency and productivity of administrative operations carried out from the Planning Department, but rather creating the opposite effect.
The Town Planning model reflected in the existing statutes and that it intends to amend the current text had proved effective in the face of Covenanters policies that, in turn, allowed the current consensus on the General Urban Plan.
This new statutory language eliminated the spirit of transparency that led to the current statute and allowing all political groups represented in the Consistory of the town of Lorca with access to major decisions within the management are elucidated.
Also ends with the amendment submitted by the team that has the responsibility of government in our city's soul still current guarantor of the Constitution of the Municipal Planning that, the disappearance of the plurality in making management decisions, also disappears the possibility that all Lorca feel represented in it.
For all these reasons, the Municipal Group Socialist submitted this amendment to the full text of amendments to the Municipal Town Planning Regulations, proposing the rejection of it, its not final approval, and maintaining the effectiveness of existing laws.
Source: PSOE Lorca