The Councillor for Health of the City of Lorca, Antonia Lopez, has announced that the 1,646 inhabitants of this parish will benefit from the investment of 220,000 euros it costs to build and equip the new municipal building on a plot of 1,137 m2.
The Councillor for Health of the City of Lorca, Antonia Lopez, announced this morning that the Consistory lorquino build this year in the county council of a new doctor Marchena of 212 m2 and 180.32 m2 thanks to a grant from the Ministry Health of the Autonomous Community.
Lopez explained that "the work will begin soon and will have a lead time of eight months, so that in the last quarter of the year could be opened if all goes well, they are already allocated to a company and have a budget lorquina of 169,209 euros in new office building and 50,000 euros for equipment. "
These concepts are borne entirely by the Regional Government, while the municipal contribution focuses on the plot that will house the new primary care center in the deputation of Marchena, located within the residential Infanta Leonor and beside the new local social being completed this City.
The new building will solve the problems that the current practice, such as accessibility and security, lack of space for administration and waiting room, as well as access to toilets must be made through the clubhouse.
Construction of the new office was made for the future, and even included in the computerization project, since it is one of the few in town who do not have this service.
"The new facilities in order to raise the possibility of expanding the number of professionals and other improvements we are running with the modernization of peripheral clinics being conducted by the City Council in collaboration with the Management of the Health Area III and the Health Ministry, "he stressed Antonia López.
However, in anticipation of a possible expansion in the future or installation of additional services, parcel where the new office is located, has an area of approximately 1,137 m2, which provides potable water supply, electricity supply, lighting public, paved road and drainage network.
Through these works we will improve service and attention to the city, creating a hallway of 5.67 m2, 8.1 m2 reception, a waiting room of 43.02 m2, a general practice of 20 m2, another 21.37 m2 pediatrics, nursing another 24 m2, and toilets for staff and for men and women.
There will also be a general store, other-cleaning offices and other waste, as well as a lounge-library of 15.47 m2.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca