Santiago Abascal not left unmoved for more than 150 people attended the third conference meal "We are and walk, cycle lorquina society meetings with leading figures of the cultural, political, social and Spanish, organized by FAES and PP.
The event took place on Friday 29 at 14.30 hours in the hotel Amalthea Lorca, and consisted of a hearty lunch, after which a presentation was developed by Abascal, president of the Foundation DENAES, on the present and future of the Spanish nation.
Attendees included Vice President of FAES, Jaime Garcia Legaz, the mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, general secretary of Lorca PP, Ángel García Lorca Aragon and Sen. Peñarrubia Joaquin, among other representatives of the political.
A present crisis
Santiago Abascal began his speech, to the extent realistic, simple and firm, making a snapshot of this Nation, which illustrated how critical an album of postcards, so stark and real, a teenage murderer who says he is "product of society "a weak little body aborted and dismembered in a cruel selfish practice, corruption rampant political colors without understanding, ownership of some politicians unsupportive water theme, the president of the Constitutional Court none before the Catalan nationalist demands ... All these pictures of this are, as stated by Abascal, "signs of institutional failure, lack of representativeness of the parties, corruption, ideological, moral and economic decay are touches of the State and certain social dissolution"
Although it is an event organized jointly by the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies (FAES) and the Partido Popular de Lorca, the young Basque parliamentary showed the need for political self-criticism, directing his barbs dialectic to all parties stating that "are the first institution that has begun to malfunction, for betraying the constitutional mandate to conduct a democratic internally."
And that is to Santiago Abascal, Spain institutions do not work.
In addition to political parties, denounced President DENAES degradation regional parliaments "with national airs" and warned of public distrust to the court system.
"Its slow, its failures, its arbitrariness, the Spanish courts make a mammoth justice, and raffles.
(...) The government of the day driving through a quota system, the judiciary, making it also the legislative-belt transmission, in executive power. "
He also had harsh words against the Constitutional Court, which blamed the failure to resolve "the largest territorial crisis occurred in constitutional Spain, the produced by the Statute of Catalonia."
And to borrow a phrase employed, endorsed that "the Constitution is already a corpse unburied," adding, of his own, that "the actions of the current government is the greatest example of chaotic improvisation of Spanish democracy.
At this crisis, he added Abascal on the moral, the disavowal of the family by the state and the loss of values.
After this critical ray of reality, the speaker concluded that Spain is at a crossroads in which the errors have come together in "one gap, which we just rush or change, amend, equip ourselves with wings and a new vision to face the future. "
The crossroads of the future: reforming or decomposition.
Although it might seem after such a hard analysis of reality, Abascal confessed hope in Spain, noting that "salvation is in the recovery of patriotism, in the National Accord and constitutional reform.
Abascal explained as a natural feeling patriotism and civic virtue that demanded that "we set out tasks and projects for the common good."
Regarding the National Accord, launched an interesting and controversial proposal, consisting of national unity against nationalism, based on three commitments.
First, assume that the acceptance of the Statute of Autonomy is the death of the Constitution, and second, they must give up coalitions with nationalist parties, and third and amazingly innovative, to consolidate a transitional government of grand coalition between PP -PSOE, under the maxim "nationalisms are not integrated into a common vision, not dismembered and particularistic, of Spain."
As stated by Santiago Abascal, a pact with nationalists is not only immoral, it is also undemocratic.
Another suggestion he made was to recover the resulting autonomous powers in matters of Education, Planning and Urban Development, Environment and Civil Protection among others.
Confident in the viability of working for a different Spain, Abascal encouraged the board to act.
"I have hope.
I think there is Spain to come, a new Spain.
It's in our hands, our heads and hearts of millions of Spanish, "he said, leaving in the minds of those present, a phrase Celaya encouraged to" take sides until staining.
Following the presentation, many of the guests congratulated the rapporteur and expressed their views on the present and future of Spain and particularly of Lorca.
Isabel López
SANTIAGO ABASCAL CONDE (Bilbao, April 14, 1976):
This young parliamentarian, a graduate in Sociology from the University of Deusto, has developed an intense political career in the Basque Country.
Popular Party member since 1994, has been a member of the PP National Executive Committee, president of New Generations of Basque PP and PP Secretary of Education of the Basque Country.
He is currently president and founder of the Foundation for the Defense of the Spanish Nation (DENAES) in 2006.
Regular contributor to several media outlets like The Weekly Digital ( ), COPE, and esRadio Intereconomía Group.
Despite his youth, has already published four books:
A right of self-determination?
On the alleged right of secession of the Basque Country (Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid 2004)
Civil and exclusion in the Basque Country (Ikusager, Vitoria 2004).
The farce of self-determination.
Ibarretxe Plan: the assault of the Basque Country and Spain (Alter, Barcelona 2004), foreword by José María Aznar.
In defense of Spain.
Reasons for the Spanish patriotism (Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid 2008), with Gustavo Bueno Sánchez.
Source: Isabel