The Department of Public Safety Lorca City Council has advised that due to disassembly and assembly of a tower crane work, the streets Cava, Corregidor and part of the Plaza of Spain, will remain closed to traffic this weekend, at intervals elapse between 08:00 and 18:00 hours of Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 th.
Noted that parking is prohibited in the C / Alamo, and will cut vehicle traffic in part of Plaza Spain, C / Corregidor and C / Cava adjacent streets.
Local police and signal monitor alternative routes of traffic, for the better development of traffic safety in our city, and these routes the following streets, vehicles or combination of vehicles with a maximum length including load is equal to or less 6 meters, a height limitation of 2.5 meters. for passing C /.
Santa Maria, except authorized emergency will permanently step Plaza of Spain and C / Corregidor to the neighborhoods nearby.
Neighborhoods sense: Santiago, Santa Maria, San Juan, San Pedro, Courts, City Hall, Public Parking Lorca Plaza and adjacent streets for the following routes:
For C /.
Alfonso X El Sabio, C /.
Barn, C /.
Selgas, C / .Galdo, Barrio San Pedro, C /.
General Eytier, C /.
Alamo, part two-way C /.
Lope Gisbert.
For Ctra La Fuensanta, road access to Castillo, C /.
Santa Maria, C /.
Abad of Los Arcos, C / .Zapatería, C /.
Wells, Ctra La Fuensanta, RM-701 or vice versa.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca