Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


The Socialist Party claims that the Mayor opened libraries were launched four years ago (09/03/2010)

The Socialist Councillor Isabel Casalduero today showed surprise at the act of "opening" of a library in the deputation of Cazares, who on Thursday held the PP Mayor, Francisco Jodar, and the Councillor for Education, José Joaquín Peñarrubia.

Casalduero said renew a small part of the furniture, acquire new assets and extend the schedule, it has nothing to do with the implementation of a library "new" and requested that since the government team is to stop deceiving the public.

The PSOE mayor recalled that the library in question, located in the

School and Primary Education "Virgen de las Huertas" was launched in March 2006 and is named after a teacher and former student of that center, "much loved and sadly missing."

Casalduero said "the desire for notoriety of the mayor and the councilor and his lifelong obsession to claim credit that are not theirs" they have taken "too far" to the point of "ignore" the memory of this teacher and all those who worked so hard for this council could have in your day with this educational and cultural infrastructure, as in the act of last Thursday "even mentioned."

Casalduero said that since the PP government team has been repeating the same performance as Purias centers, IES La Hoya or the Prince of Asturias, by taking advantage of an agreement for the extension of hours of existing libraries, "pretending to citizens concerned for new centers. "

Source: PSOE Lorca

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