The Socialist councilor Paqui Lopez said that the area proposed by the PSOE no danger because it is a room "bounded" where not carried out military exercises and launch loads.
The Socialist councilor Paqui Lopez asked the City Council today to initiate contacts with the Ministry of Defence in order to rehabilitate and make available to the public areas of the former recreation and leisure field maneuvers Carraclaca, now in disuse.
Lopez said that through the legal form of the assignment early, as was the case for the construction of classrooms in public school kindergarten Alfonso X, the municipality could obtain those areas and start a renovation of these spaces also include sporting facilities belonging to the old barracks Sancho Dávila.
The mayor noted that the area in question is not endangered because it is a room "bounded" where not carried out military exercises and launch loads.
He noted that the municipality would not have to make large investments because the area has a forest very important and would only have to carry out cleaning and adequacy of existing infrastructure.
The PSOE Councillor said that this is a vindication of the residents of the county council of Tercia and neighborhoods of San Cristobal, Apolonia, Armed Forces and Los Angeles, which could well have a natural area for recreation and sport that currently lack.
According to Lopez, the area could be rehabilitated in the pool, tennis and football, the pediment and the cafeteria, parking addition, elements that are already available.
Moreover, since the PSOE call for barbecues and a picnic enable similar to the Health Park in La Hoya, "which is so well accepted between Lorca and visitors from other municipalities."
Moreover, the Socialist councilor said that this is an excellent opportunity to build in that place the military museum which claims the Association of Friends of Mallorca XIII.
Source: PSOE Lorca