The secretary general of the PSOE in Lorca, Diego Ferrer, said that "we are pleased that the protests of the PSOE and the neighbors have borne fruit," but recalled that the City "has run" until the complaint has not been released on television.
The general secretary of the PSOE in Lorca, Diego Ferra, today expressed satisfaction that the City Council has begun the demolition of a garage at the Cueva de Mena Street (Barrio de San Cristóbal), which prevented the access of emergency vehicles with the corresponding threat to the integrity of the locals.
Ferra referred to the complaint filed last week by the Socialists and the residents concerned and stated that "we are glad that has paid off," but recalled that the City undertook two years ago to solve this problem and "has not run "until the complaint has not been publicized on television.
Source: PSOE Lorca